Head Office 01483 905220
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Book a Trial Session for our Spring Term
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Trial Sessions Tab below
Weybridge School
At Oatlands Park Village Club
Principal Alan call 0208 819 9579
What We Do
We - teach Electric Guitar
We - teach Bass Guitar
We - teach Drums
We - teach Vocals
All students learn Music Theory
You - learn fast in a unique environment
You - play in a live Band every lesson
You - never have to wait to play
Benefits? – the most exciting, innovative and fun way to learn how to play in a Band. DofE - you can use your lessons as your Skills section. Kids to Teens, ages 8 to 18.
Summer and Winter concerts with full sound and lights.
Fees £368 per 12 week term. Fees are due no later than one week before Term starts.
This Term
Saturday 11th January
to Saturday 29th March
Next Term
Saturday 26th April
to Saturday 12th July
Classes run for 12 consecutive weeks
- we never break for half-term.
Main School - Saturdays
10am - 11am - Beginners
11am - 12pm - Intermediate
12pm - 1pm - Beginners (From Scratch)
We also have schools in
Termly Fees
The fees for Main School are £368 for 12 weekly one hour sessions, payable termly in advance.
A payment of £70 is required on application, covering registration and a two week trial. If the student does not wish to continue you are committed to nothing more. We limit student numbers to five per instructor and will return the initial payment if we cannot offer a place. We ask for one months notice of intention to leave.
If a student attends Main School for two separate sessions they receive a 10% discount on both sessions.
Brothers and sisters of existing students receive a 20% discount, whether they are in the Main School or in Little Rockers. The discount applies to the younger brother or sister only.